
Issue Briefing
Right innovation, Right path, New Jeonbuk
Meaning and Tasks of Establishing a Gunsan Port Express Cargo Customs Office
  • Member
  • Jungho Na
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key word 새창으로보기
Gunsan Port, express cargo customs office, express logistics business model, new Jeonbuk logistics industry

Meaning of Establishing a Gunsan Port Express Cargo Customs Office

The Gunsan Port Express Cargo Customs Office, that would be the only Korea-China express carego customs office, has the potential to grow as a center for e-commerce between non-metropolitan regions by connecting with China's e-commerce special zone, the Shidao Port.

Jeonbuk residents can receive their Chinese e-commerce goods within three days, and local companies can be utilized as a direct export route in the future.

Local logistics companies can provide value-added express logistics services and establish a cross-border logistics industry ecosystem, which is expected to creat job opportunities and attract related companies such as e-commerce logistics.


Strategies to Promote Jeonbuk Express Logistics 

1. Short-term Strategies: Early activation and stabilization of the Gunsan Port express cargo customs office

There is a need to prioritize consideration for local logistics companies based in Gunsan Port to enter their cross-border express logistics service ecosystem

To ensure stable operation of the intercontinental express logistics hub at Gunsan Port, it is necessary to consider forming a preventive consultative body with members of the cross-border express logistics business ecosystem.


2. Mid-term Strategies: Step-by-step development of the Jeonbuk Express Logistics Ecosystem

(Planning the Jeonbuk express logistics business model) To contribute to the local economy by creating a Korea-China express logistics ecosystem, plans are being made to atrract local companies to e-commerce platforms and consider intergrating 'Jeonbuk online shopping mall(Saeng Saeng mall).'

(Attracting the Jeollabuk-do express cargo logistics center) Promotion of the express logistics business depends on the capacity of value-added services, and strategies to advance relevant expert capabilities must be developed.  


3. Long-term Strategies: Planning strategies to foster a new Jeonbuk logistics industry

To develop a new Jeonbuk logistics industry, the plan is to create a concrete model that integrates the Saemangeum Airpot's logistics business and estable a complex fulfillment center.

The plan is to strengthen the new Jeonbuk logistics industry by focusing on related industries, such as the food cold chain industry and the cruise ship supplies. These industries will be utilized as a domestic and international distribution channel for Jeonbuk speciality products. ​ 
