
Issue Briefing
Right innovation, Right path, New Jeonbuk
'Jeonbuk National Industrial Complex Cluster' to Lead National Super-gap Industries
  • Member
  • Ji-hoon Lee
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key word 새창으로보기
National Industrial Complex, Industrial Complex Cluster, Industrial policy, High-tech Industry

Jeonbuk has been designated as a candidate site for a new national industrial complex specialising in hydrogen and food, and a national industrial complex cluster with a total of five national industrial complexes within a 10km radius of Honam Expressway Iksan JC will be formed.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a hardware and software linkage network between the new candidate industrial complexes and the existing industrial complexes to leapfrog into a cluster leading the national high-tech industry, and we propose four tasks for this.


First, it is necessary to speed up the creation of the complex after designating a candidate site for a national industrial complex. 

The subsequent preliminary feasibility study, approval of the industrial complex plan, land purchase, and construction work should be expedited in consideration of the needs of high-tech industries and companies. 

It is necessary to establish a plan for a comprehensive development method to create an ecosystem that spans the entire industrial cycle, beyond just manufacturing and production centres.


Second, establish a network of national industrial complexes specialising in hydrogen, food, and carbon. 

First of all, the disconnected parts should be connected by a detailed transport network to strengthen mobility between industrial complexes within a 10-kilometre radius. 

In addition, it is also necessary to cooperate in linking national industrial complexes and existing general industrial complexes through networks and R&D.


Third, special cases for attracting companies should be strengthened in conjunction with the Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province. 

Considering the characteristics of Jeonbuk, where national industrial complexes are concentrated, it is necessary to establish policies that take advantage of the characteristics of Jeonbuk by securing special cases such as planning, budget reflection, and benefits for tenant companies.

Fourth, by adding hydrogen to the National High-Tech Strategic Industries Act and providing software support such as tax exemptions and designation of specialised complexes, the National Industrial Complex should be fostered as a base for securing the super-gap competitiveness of national high-tech industries in Jeonbuk along with the National Food Cluster. 
