
Research Report
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(Consignment, Collaborative)
Policy Study on Strategies to Promote Carbon-neutral Agriculture in Jeollabuk-do in Response to Climate Change
  • Member
  • Young-Mo Hwang, Namjung Jang, Won Jee Cho, Gyun-Gi Bae,· Hwan Seok Seo, Hojung Jeong, Byeong Hun Lee
key word 새창으로보기
key word 새창으로보기
Carbon-neutral agriculture & farming, Carbon-neutral strategies, Emissions reductions, Structural transition, Climate response, Execution capacity

1. Study Objectives and Method

❚ Research objective

○ In line with the nation’s declaration of carbon neutrality and its pursuit of carbon-neutral strategies in the agricultural sector, Jeollabuk-do is advised to formulate effective strategies toward carbon-neutral farming.

○ Based on the strategy of promoting carbon neutrality in agricultural food developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, this study serves as a policy research endeavor to lay a foundation upon which carbon-neutral farming strategies in Jeollabuk-do can be formulated in response to climate change.

❚ Research methods

○ We analyzed the carbon neutrality-related literature of government-funded research institutes, previous studies, and existing statistical data on agriculture and farm villages (raw data and primary and secondary data) to assess the current status of carbon-neutral farming in Jeollabuk-do and the region’s preparedness and conditions for carbon neutrality.

○ Based on the survey of key players in agriculture and farm communities in Jeollabuk-do for their awareness of carbon-neutral farming as well as a series of advisory consultations with the taskforce (established for carbon-neutral farming in response to climate change), we developed strategic plans.


2. Conclusion and Policy Suggestion

❚ Strategic systems

○ We defined strategies to promote carbon-neutral agriculture in Jeollabuk-do as “carbon-neutral farming to cope with climate change.” Considering agrifood carbon-neutral promotion strategies and practical execution capacity of Jeollabuk-do to implement such strategies, we structuralized and presented the policy direction of the strategic system toward ① emissions reductions, ② structural transition, ③ climate response, and ④ execution capacity.

○ The fundamental structure for the strategic system’s policy direction: Emissions reductions → structural transition + climate response + execution capacity

○ Vision: Building execution capacity for carbon-neutral farming in Jeollabuk-do to cope with climate change and achieve net zero in the region’s agriculture and farm villages

○ Objective: Emissions reductions (implementing national plans) and adaptation (reinforcing coping capabilities in response to the climate crisis)

❚ Top priorities

① (Emissions reductions) reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector: The focus here is on major carbon sources of farming, livestock, distribution, facilities, and farm villages.

② (Structural transition) transitioning to carbon-neutral agriculture: The focus here is on four sectors centering around eco-friendliness, carbon storage, precision agriculture, and research and development.

③ (Climate response) improving risk management to navigate climate change: The focus here is on onsite response (preparedness and follow-up measures) to effectively navigate climate change-induced natural disasters that affect agriculture.

④ (Execution capacity) building execution capacity for carbon-neutral farming: The focus here is on improving the system and strengthening education for execution capacity so that strategies designed to promote carbon-neutral farming can be applied in real-world settings in an effective and timely manner.  
