
Issue Briefing
Right innovation, Right path, New Jeonbuk
The Need for Comprehensive Measures to Combat Loneliness: Fostering Social Relationships and a Connected Society in Jeonbuk
  • Member
  • Jang segil
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loneliness, connected society, social intervention programs, Jeonbuk
Loneliness, described as a social disease and a threat to today’s society, refers to the painful experience that can result from the unconscious and involuntary severance of social relationships. The UK government describes loneliness as an epidemic and is trying to solve the problem of loneliness by establishing the world’s first ministry of loneliness to strengthen social relationships. In Japan, policies focusing on social welfare domains are implemented to alleviate various related issues, such as reclusive loners and lonely deaths. Similarly, Korean policies also have focused on preventing and managing lonely deaths. Recently, the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is designing policies stressing the significance of social networks as a response to loneliness, following the example of Scotland, which has seen success with such policies.
The solution to loneliness should aim to help restore social relationships to achieve social integration. Instead of targeting specific subgroups’ problems, such as lonely deaths, policy should focus on creating a connected society that establishes social relationships among the public.
We propose the following policies. First, an ordinance supporting projects to prevent and cure loneliness is required that considers all residents in Jeonbuk province, not only particular subgroups, such as single-person households or those vulnerable to lone deaths. Second, a multi-layered support system is needed. For example, the department of culture should be dedicated to creating and implementing loneliness policies. As part of this, loneliness indicators for Jeonbuk should be developed and managed through factfinding surveys. A support system should also be established that promotes public-private cooperation. Third, social intervention programs for Jeonbuk should be developed to reduce social loneliness, and the programs should be in the form of a Social Impact Bond (SIB) for sustainability.