
Issue Briefing
Right innovation, Right path, New Jeonbuk
Implementation of Special Law on Distributed Energy: North Jeolla Province to Become a Community-based Solar and Wind Local Energy Hub!
  • Member
  • Jihoon Lee, Sehyun Park
key word 새창으로보기
key word 새창으로보기
community, solar·wind distributed energy, business model, North Jeolla Province, small scale

□ Necessity of Expansion of Community-based Solar-Wind Distributed Energy 

◯ To address spatial mismatches between energy production and consumption, which incur significant societal and economic costs, distributed energy systems in which energy is produced and consumed locally are actively being implemented 

◯ North Jeolla Province should explore various business models for innovative energy systems in order to achieve energy decentralization and benefit the local economy

◯ Expansion of community-based solar·wind distributed energy is indispensable for implementing new business models, such as an integrated virtual power plant (VPP) that integrates large-scale renewable energy parks and small-scale power generation projects in North Jeolla Province 

□ Conditions and Expectations for Community-based Solar-wind Distributed Energy in North Jeolla Province

◯ Even though North Jeolla Province is not 100% energy self-sufficient at present, energy decentralization is expected through the expansion of community-based solar·wind distributed energy

◯ North Jeolla Province has excellent conditions for the development and implementation of community-based initiatives, ranking third nationally in the number of cooperatives and having around 1,000 active community villages

◯ Fiscal decentralization and stronger independent regional policies are expected through the addition of profits generated from community-based solar·wind distributed energy to the high-level autonomy in North Jeolla Province

□ Policy Directions for North Jeolla Province 

◯ Enact ordinances to encourage and support the expansion of community-based solar·wind distributed energy

◯ Discover resources to create a healthy ecosystem of community-based solar·wind distributed energy and reinforce public management, including community recruitment and management and profit redistribution 

◯ Explore and review economic viability and gradually implement various business models for community-based solar-wind distributed energy, including the formation of small-scale distributed energy clusters, applying greenhouse gas target management systems of provincial investment and funding institutions to distributed energy  implementation, and a demand-supply tailored agricultural-industrial-complex-type distributed energy model managed by local governments
