● The Place-based Industry Concept
○ Place-based industries leverage an area’s unique identity and sense of place as a competitive advantage in producing goods and services, involving creativity tailored to regional characteristics.
○ The value of place-based products and services peaks when they are offered in their original location and diminishes as they move further away.
○ Factors influencing the sense of place, critical to place-based industry, include humans as primary agents developing lifestyles, space as a meaningful entity created by humans, and technology driven by regional materials and production methods.
○ The originality, uniqueness, and creativity fostered by place-based humans, spaces, and technologies determine the differentiation and competitiveness of a place and its industry.
● Implications of Place-based Industries in the Era of Population Decline
○ It is widely recognized that industries with higher locational mobility in production and consumption tend to grow faster.
○ Industries characterized by high locational mobility direct capital, technology, and labor to areas with concentrated production, leading to extreme population density and associated side effects.
○ However, in an era of population decline, effectively countering potential local extinction requires a region-specific, place-based industry that minimizes production and consumption movements.
○ It is posited that the place-based industry will be a viable solution to population decline for several reasons: a growing association between place attractiveness and favorable working conditions, the rise of a creative workforce that seeks new business models within the place-based industry, and the increasing desire of de facto populations to engage in place-based consumption.
● Promotional Strategies for Jeonbuk-specific Place-based Industries
○ The place-based industry in Jeonbuk encompasses place-based manufacturing (such as foods, clothing, architecture, and crafts), place-based content (including games, videos, characters, and publications), and place-based experiences (such as tourism, healing, festivals, leisure, and education).
○ For effective promotion of its place-based industry, Jeonbuk State must proactively implement the following initiatives: branding Jeonbuk’s unique sense of place and using this brand to provide integrated consulting services; leveraging the Local Extinction Reaction Fund to develop pilot projects and success models; and securing a national budget for the region’s place-based industry through the enactment of ordinances and laws.